Monday, 22 June 2009

I went back to primary.....

I know I know... Everyone's busy uploading photos of the exhibition. I'm the odd one.. =P
Haha.. Will upload soon lar.. That stupid facebook.... Always fail uploading... Hrgh~~~

I went to a few places today as it's our school's holiday.
Venue one- Car service centre. Damn. RM 360 plus gone, for a major service.

Venue two- Hair saloon. I got my hair cut. And it's freaking short at the moment. I look so much like a kiddo... OMG...

Venue three- PRIMARY SCHOOL!!!!!!!
I heard one Auntie from the market said that today is their report card day, so I made a spontaneous move. I decided to pay a visit there... Since I haven't stepped into the school for almost 5 to 6 years and I missed my teachers sosososososososososossoso much!!!!!!!!
After my haircut I went home and get some souvenirs done for the teachers and head to school.
The school changed a lot man... See photos..

Looks more like a tourist attraction lor....

School or garden???

So Desa Park City feel hor??

Same ol' staircase but....

....with extra CCTVs....

The hall's same, but feels like something is missing...

Look at the canteen.... So college feel..
So modern... So shiny...

Same taste, same feel, but different price.
Last time for small is RM 0.50, large RM o.70.
Now, small RM 0.70, large RM 1.00.
Still CHEAP lar....

All, I repeat, ALL toilets are equipped with 2 fans.
Shit them lar, for what? Waste electricity arh?
Or too rich till dunno where to spend their money?

Parents can bee seen at every corner of the school.

This building haven't been built when I graduate.
Got lift one lor... I took a visit there.. So many activity room eh, Music room la, Meeting room la, Art room lar, CAL room la, Multimedia room la bla bla bla lar.....
Hrgh.... Why I graduate so soon arh???

Tiles you see.. Tiles...

Still same lar...

The only thing different is this sign.

By the way, I never get to meet any of my teachers today as they're on morning shift.
So I needa get back to school another day.. *sigh*
I was so close to meeting them...... =(
I know that day will come.....
I'll wait....

And I'm still blogging.. =.=

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