Thursday, 14 January 2010

成人礼 10/1/10

Just wanna yell~~~~~ 爸妈,您女儿我,长大了!!!!!:)

Went for some workshop about
成人礼 on the week before.
A few days ago was the night of our official ceremony.
Okay la I admit I looked more like a Japanese than a Chinese loh~
Those people there also said so.

Actually this event was only meant for people who have the surname 傅one as it's organized by 傅氏会馆。
And maybe it's because of some 缘分lar, my Uncle who doesn't have any daughters and so happens to be one of their committee members, ask me to attend lor . :)
We actually thought it'll take us a day only.
But never mind lar, I benefit also what, cuz I get to know more friends. :)

Picture quality for this time might be a little poor, as I've just broken one cam during Prom, and my elder brother brought his DSLR baby to Norway already.
Felt damn guilty even till now, as the camera I broke needa spend a few hundreds to repair.
Dad says he rather get a new one, which he'll cut my money from my bank account. :(

This combination really nice leh~
I love the smiles in every picture, especially my dad, cuz he seldom smile one leh~ :)

Japanese?? Chinese??
And luckily I wore heels that day, if not the costume would have been dragging the dust on the floor.
Poor shorty me :X

Nah, this is the Uncle who introduced me there.
And I didn't know he's very discipline one leh~
He never take meals after 10pm, he exercise on his thread mil daily, eat very little meat~
Damn healthy conscious weih~

Brief introduction on the progress:




Damn traditional lar~
We stood and kneel stood and kneel for 3 times just to add on one thing on our hair.

Hehe, me damn buay paiseh. XD
Look so arrogant when I take the mic.
Actually I was one of the 4 being chosen to give a speech one loh.
Who knows after the 1st two, the rest couldn't speak already.
Prepare speech for nothing.
Make me forgot to write my parents' letter some more.
Geram lar.


Can see my dad helping me get a necklace?
I really wanna complain on this 99.
That freaking CHINA MADE necklace is so damn cheap where words on the necklace shows BROKEN ENGLISH.
It fucking cost my parents RM 50.
Go die lar, dunno they got hire accountant one or not.
I can buy it with that price also, but with a much more valuable one loh~

This is my first time standing on stage with my parents.
And this is also my first time being on stage for so freaking long.
Almost half an hour leh~
Stood there not dancing summore, face ass to audience , bow in front of my parents.....
Luckily got chance to hold the mic lar, if not it'll be freaking boring.
And I langsung tak ada stage fright.
Damn happy weih~

New mates :)
But because our number of people cannot fit into a table, we were forced to separate into 2 tables.
One north one south summore.
Couldn't get their contacts, some even name also dunno.
So sad lar~ :(

Posing failure.
I am laughing like siao.
And she's facing the cam!!! :)

Malaysian 宫心计

" I want that food, can take for me??? My sleeves very long leh~~"

The boys behind are from another Chinese Society outside who came here specially just to look for us.
So, must take pictures with them.
And the one on my left is my mentor/ tutor/ teacher.
aiyah, got many kinda of names to call lar, but her Real name is
Came from Shanghai, have been through lots of talks, “爱心讲堂” 创办人, up till now, it's almost 10 years already.

Their costumes are made chio. And looked more like Chinese'.
Unlike ours eh~

Anyway, there's another brief description about this event where we need to know before we attend the official ceremony:

一、 第一关是面试,前来报名者要求父母至少一人与孩子一起面试,通过者才有资格填表。

(we didn't do this at all, because it's not that strict like in China.)

二、 报名:要求生辰八字填写准确,字迹工整,楷体。按照要求认真填表。(nil)

三、 赐字:根据每个人生辰命理测字,请周易专家测出


四、 服装:三套汉服,个人想收藏可买回去,否则仪式结束要还回来,要爱惜物命,活动过程把东西保管好。

(of cuz give back lar, dun wanna waste money on that hideous stuff my mom said :P)

五、 报名后,父母与子女参加“体验式幸福人生讲座”并了解活动的安排和意义,并能按时参与每个环节,积极配合。


六、 能按照要求完成任务,在活动之前做一些孝顺父母的事情,每人发一本《弟子规》课本,每天早晚各诵一遍,晨读是用来提醒自己,晚上诵读是用来反省自己。

( I was given the book, but I didn't study. That's why I'm asking must I do this everyday or not loh Janice. :P)

Remember my previous post?? read this.

七、 “为什么要参加中华成人礼仪式?”你对成人礼的认识,谈谈自己的想法和看法,成人对你意味着什么?


八、 给父母写一封信:字数不限,文体不限,亲笔写在纸上,不印。


九、 每道环节,都有要求,愿意服从要求认真完成每个活动细节,如要教你怎么鞠躬,敬酒,跪拜等。


十、 承诺百分之百投入按要求去做并请在填表时签字

(got agreement letter meh??)

Did a very lame description lar, don't mind arh~

actually I did learn some stuffs also lar, but my feelings kinda differ from the Adam Khoo's camp loh~

Much different when I'm in camp.

One is more towards the modern society, another is like taking back thousands of years of history and redo them again loh~

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