Saturday, 13 February 2010

Happy CNY( Yes I'm not gonna mention V-day cuz it's not important for me now.)

Welcoming the CNY with a brand new nail art!!!!! :) It's bright RED this time.
Josie recommended this colour to me, but I refuse to use it.
After relating this colour to CNY, then only I agree to give it a try.
It comes out not that bad lar seriously :)

Mature, sophisticated, beautiful and it suits the new year feel right? :)
BINGO!!!!! :D

That's what I want!!!

Tomorrow cannot sweep the floor, wash our hair and say words like "DIE LOR DIE LOR".
Mom said so, and forced me to wash my hair just now, because I thought of washing them tomorrow, and I said DIE LOR DIE LOR.

Apala, how come my blogging style is getting more and more random nowadays? *eeeessshhhh*


Mic said...

i didnt mention what


tak de pantang punya
girl...i'm upset now...

MaggieMTMT said...

Hey, wat r u upset about? Tell me!!!! :(

What u didn't mention?
Eh, when only can go out with you liddat???? :(