Sunday, 10 January 2010

Men in Tutus

I'm not being paid for promoting this, neither am I forced by some one to write this post.
This is a post written with my utmost passion and sincerity to introduce and togetsomeofyoutogowatchthisperformancewithmetocutdowntheprice
to prove their fame so that you won't look down on any ballet shows.

Ballet to me, is something very fairy-tale like, elegant, graceful and classic.
Although to some, it's just a goddamn boring show by just seeing the dancer jump here and there, turn here and there, and then suddenly you fly up in the sky and bla bla.
To be honest, after learning ballet for more than 13 years, sometimes I do feel it that way.
But the moment I went into my Dance Society 2 years back , I encountered with people who loved ballet so much that they vow to make this as a career, a dream.

Initially, I find that they were crazy as performers or particularly dancers, are hard to earn a living, even though how much effort they've put in to improve their steps or how many hundreds of shows they've been performing.

Somehow, there's a show that proved me wrong--- the legendary MEN IN TUTUS!!!
Why legendary? Because they've been a topic in many countries and now it's the 2nd time they landed in Malaysia!!!!!!

They came from NY and they manage to perform in so many countries!!! How cool is that?
They are men, acting as women, not only in Fashion, make-ups, but also on en pointe (it means standind on your toes which only ballerinas do)!!!!!

And what's more, they made boring performance into HILARIOUS ones as they've added in loads of humor to entertain the audience.

Instead of watching a performance in silence and very manner wise, you can LAUGH ALL YOU CAN and CLAP whenever you think it's right.
No one will stop you and guess what? The performers wanted you to do that so badly!!!!!!

They are graceful, elegant and their skills can even be better than a lady!

The dancers.

I couldn't even do these!!!

What I'm trying to say here is that, we should support these guys, who sacrifice their retirement life, who sacrifice their time to perfect their skills, who never give up when their toe nails came off as a result of standing on the en pointe too long, who had bruises and injuries when they dance....

Next week, on the 13th to 17th of Jan, they will be performing at KL Pac. I've called the centre and they said for students, we have a special rate:
13th- Full
14th- 10 persons + 1 Free (each RM 80)
15-17th-10 persons (each RM80)

* original prices are from RM 88 to RM222, and if condition allows, we might have a chance to upgrade ourselves to a better seat.


Wed – Fri 8.30pm

Sat 3pm & 8.30pm

Sun 2pm & 6pm

*Please contact me if you really really really want to watch this. I needa contact the person real soon as offer doesn't last long!!!!! People want our seats too!!!!!

For those who've watched this before, I heard that they've added some new dancers in this time. if your financial condition is ok, why not watch again??

I hope that this post might make you see ballet in a different view la for those who never knew what ballet was.

Click on the links below to read their news.

You may view the video below. For a sneak preview.

At least, they weren't in this size right?

1 comment:

MaggieMTMT said...

Anonymous:????? You leave wrong comment izit?